Leo Cancer Care's Upright Technology: Advancing Regulatory Approval for Radiation Therapy Innovation

Friday, May 10, 2024

Leo Cancer Care is thrilled to announce that it has received regulatory clearance from the FDA for its innovative upright patient positioning system, known as the Eve System, designed for delivering radiotherapy treatment.

This 510(K) clearance allows healthcare providers throughout the United States to utilize this groundbreaking technology immediately.

The Eve System enables cancer patients to undergo radiation treatment while seated upright, a departure from traditional methods.

Research indicates that this approach, which mimics a more natural position for patients, can lead to reduced internal organ movement and more efficient delivery of radiotherapy.

The FDA's decision, describing it as a significant milestone for Leo Cancer Care and its commitment to transforming radiation therapy. With evidence suggesting that patients prefer the upright position.

This clearance opens the door for widespread adoption of this patient-centric approach.

Leo Cancer Care's continued commitment to innovation, with plans for further advancements in upright technology already in progress.

While the upright CT scanner, Marie, is not yet clinically available, the clearance of the Eve System represents a major step forward in improving cancer care for patients.

Source: prnewswire.com